Iva Healthcare

PTR and PTS Calculator

What are PTR and PTS Calculators in Pharma?

Finance is a necessary substructure of any pharma business. Therefore, PTR and PTS computer software is required to calculate various pharma finances. It includes calculating the total cost of products or financial management related to the manufacturing or marketing of pharma products.

Through PTR and PTS calculators, pharma companies can adequately manage accounting records for a long time. Over the years, the pharma industry has been growing. Thus, PTR and PTS calculators have become some of the fundamental requirements for pharma entities. 


Through this blog, we learn about the role of PTS and PTR calculators in the pharma business and how to calculate PTS and PTR.

Importance of PTR and PTS Calculator

A brief explanation of PTR and PTS is given below: 

What is PTR?

The full form of PTR is Price to Retailer. But who exactly are the retailers in the entire pharma chain? Retailers are any merchants or retailers selling pharma products directly to the consumer. Through PTR, pharma businesses can calculate the value of any product’s net scheme. PTR calculators can easily define a product’s net scheme by any percentage you add. It also helps companies determine the price of the products offered to retailers. 


Note: Do not confuse the maximum retail price (MRP) offered by retailers to consumers with Price to Retailer(PTR)

What is PTS?

PTS stands for Price to Stockist. It is a general term used by various pharma companies to describe product prices offered to stockists. PTS and PTR are exclusive of GST. PTS calculators are useful for obtaining exact PTS values for pharma companies. 

How to Calculate PTR and PTS?

In PTS and PTR Calculator, You Need


  • MRP of the product per strip 


  • GST percentage


  • Retailer Margin Percentage 


  • Stockist Margin Percentage


Formula to Find PTR

Calculate the net margin and GST, then further move to calculate PTR. 


  • Firstly, find the Net Percent (inclusive of GST value)


  • Net per cent – MRP*(1-Retail%) 


  • Secondly, find the GST factor( subtracted GST value from the net margin).


  • GST factor = 100 + GST% /100


Therefore, PTR= Net Percent / GST Factor 


Formula to Find PTS

Determine the value of MRP, retail%, stockist%, and GST%. 


  •  Find: PTR*(1- Stockist Margin%) 

Use PCD Calculator to Find PTR and PTS

Get a hassle-free PTR and PTS calculator on your own! Use a PCD calculator from IVA for an accurate result!

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